
Vestjens is a leading company in asparagus plant production. The company is part of strawberry plant nursery Rapo and is located in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. Rapo grows its plants on excellent, unspoiled sandy soils, to ensure annual propagation of strong and disease-free plant material.

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Vestjens guarantees the delivery of the right quality, at the right time and at the right place. With our extensive experience in cultivation and knowledge of the market, we are your expert and trusted partner.
We distinguish ourselves in the market on the basis of

Vestjens is certified for Naktuinbouw’s Select Plant quality system. All asparagus plants are grown under our own management and regularly inspected during cultivation, lifting and distribution by an independent inspection body.

Knowledge & Expertise
Our industry specialists can advise you on variety selection and all plant related aspects to ensure a successful start to cultivation. We value personal contact and support you with all the advice and assistance you need.

We can adapt quickly in the busy plant season; supplying small and larger customers with the correct varieties and amounts is the challenge that drives our success.
We offer asparagus plants as follows:
1 year old plant material is available from the start of March to the end of April
Category A ;
70 grams and heavier
Category B;
35 – 70 grams
Prior to delivery, plants can be disinfected with a fungicide on request.
Available Varieties
We grow a wide range of asparagus varieties at our nursery